Given the particular nature of the pieces for sale in Galería Lamanai, if you are not satisfied when you receive your order, you can execute the right of return as long as the packaging is kept closed as it was sent, or is wrong with respect to the product or piece Lamanai Gallery will also proceed to return the amount of the merchandise when, for reasons not attributable (whether direct or indirect) to the store, it is unable to serve it.
The customer will be responsible for the cost of shipping the return of the product to be changed to the Lamanai Gallery address, as well as the costs of resending the new product. When Galeria Lamanai receives the package, the good condition of the product will be confirmed and the money will be returned in the case of return within the following seven business days of receipt. The amount of the refund will be paid to the customer with the same payment method used in the purchase.
Any product sent back is the responsibility of the user until it reaches our store. Therefore, make sure you return the product using a secure shipping method.
For these purposes, you must inform us of your decision to withdraw from the order. You must send an email to It will be enough for you to send your communication, using this form, before the end of the 14-day withdrawal period and return the item to our store, Galería Lamanai, C / Peral 7, Marbella 29601.
If the package has arrived broken or in poor condition, please indicate this on the delivery note and let us know as soon as possible, in order to notify the transport agency of said incident. Please take pictures of the damaged package as it arrived and send them to our email, in order to manage the incident with the transport company.
You can claim through the following email:
In addition, we inform you that you have complaint forms in our store, located at Galería Lamanai, C / Peral 7, Marbella 29601.
Legislation and Jurisdiction
The parties submit, at their choice, for the resolution of conflicts and renouncing any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of the user’s domicile.
The European Commission offers a platform for alternative dispute resolution, which you can access here: If you want to communicate any matter, please, contact us: