The owner of this website is Felipe Neri Balderas Ramos, with NIF: Y7847624S, with registered office: C / Peral 7, Marbella 29601.
Contact information:
Lamanai Gallery,
Felipe Neri Balderas Ramos,
C / Peral 7, Marbella 29601
Conditions of use of the website
The use of this website is subject to the rules and conditions specified below. Read them carefully as they link to you by the mere fact of browsing our website. Access to this portal is voluntary and free, and attributes the status of user to whoever accesses. You, as a user, know and accept these legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained therein.
Responsible browsing and right of exclusion
The user agrees to make appropriate use of the content and services offered on this website. Both access to the website and the non-consensual use of the information contained therein is the sole responsibility of the person who performs it. The owner of the website is not responsible for any damage or consequence that may arise from said use or access.
Intellectual property and industrial property
The texts, drawings, photographs, videos and other audiovisual elements contained in this website are the exclusive property of Felipe Neri Balderas Ramos, who does not grant any right of reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation of the website, its design or its contents beyond of those strictly necessary for the use of the web, being prohibited any use of the page not according to its purpose.
In no case will it be understood that the access and navigation of the user implies a waiver, transfer license or total or partial cession of said rights by Felipe Neri Balderas Ramos, to whom the exclusive exercise of the rights of exploitation of the web and its contents corresponds. .
Felipe Neri Balderas Ramos is the owner of the industrial property rights of all the distinctive signs (trade name and logo) reproduced on this website. It is not allowed to modify, manipulate and delete the identification data of the ownership of these rights incorporated into the contents, as well as the technical protection devices, digital marks, watermarks or other information or identification mechanisms that the contents contain.
The unauthorized use of the contents included in this website and, in general, the infringement of the intellectual or industrial property rights of Felipe Neri Balderas Ramos will lead to legal responsibilities against the offender.
Guarantees and responsibilities
The owner of the website will carry out all the necessary actions to correct the failures or errors in the contents of this website, to keep them updated at all times, to reestablish communication when there are failures in accessing the website and to maintain the portal in continuous operation and available, however, cannot guarantee either of these extremes.
The owner of the website is not responsible for security errors or damages that may be caused to the user’s computer equipment or the files or data stored therein as a result of viruses, misuse of the computer or misuse of non-versions. updated browser.
Access to the website and the non-consensual use that is made of the information contained therein is the sole responsibility of the person who carries it out.Felipe Neri Balderas Ramos is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage derived from said use or access.
Felipe Neri Balderas Ramos is not responsible for the contents of the web pages that direct links to this web page or refer to it or that collect opinions about it that may mislead the users of said web pages.
If any natural or legal person intends to establish some type of link with this web page, they must send their request to the following e-mail address:
Confidentiality and data protection
In compliance with the provisions of the Data Protection Law, Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, the client may, at any time, exercise their right of access, rectification and cancellation of their data.
Legislation and Jurisdiction
The parties submit, at their choice, for the resolution of conflicts and renouncing any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of the user’s domicile.
The European Commission offers a platform for alternative dispute resolution, which you can access here: If you want to communicate any matter, please, contact us at